• 39 reviews
Supreme Copy
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Supreme Copy

Supreme Copy: Empowering Your Web Browsing Experience

Have you ever encountered a website that disabled copy, right-click, context menus, or selection? It can be frustrating, especially when you need to copy important information or perform certain actions. But fear not, because Supreme Copy is here to save the day!

Supreme Copy is a powerful Chrome extension that provides a solution to disabled copy, right-click, and context menus on various websites. With just a few clicks, you can unblock selection and regain control over your browsing experience. No more limitations imposed by web developers!

Say Goodbye to Restrictions with Supreme Copy

With Supreme Copy, you can say goodbye to the restrictions that prevent you from copying text or using the right-click function. This extension allows you to freely copy content and perform right-click actions on any website, giving you the flexibility and convenience you deserve.

Configure Supreme Copy on a Per-Domain Basis

Supreme Copy offers a unique feature that allows you to configure its functionality on a per-domain basis. This means you can explicitly enable the extension for specific websites where you encounter disabled copy or right-click. It gives you complete control over which websites you want to unblock, ensuring a seamless browsing experience.

Note: While Supreme Copy is designed to enhance your browsing experience, it's important to be cautious. Some websites may have valid reasons for disabling copy or right-click, such as protecting their content or user privacy. Therefore, the extension is disabled by default to prevent any unintended consequences. You can easily enable it for specific websites by clicking on the toolbar icon.

Don't take our word for it, here's what users have to say about Supreme Copy:

  • "There are a lot of Allow Right Click extensions. I chose Supreme Copy because it has a privacy policy of not retaining any data about users. Why should I give away my personal information to another extension when this one works great?" - abananabag
  • "10/10 all others failed me" - Kaiden
  • "THIS works????, Simple Allow Copy not????" - GianMarco Tavazzani
  • "Great app, makes it easy" - Ivan Maklobanov
  • "Thanks guys. Your extension helped a lot." - Mia Sullivan

Supreme Copy has garnered an overall rating of 4.33 based on user reviews, which speaks volumes about its effectiveness and user satisfaction.

So, why settle for limited functionality on certain websites when you can unlock the full potential of your browsing experience? Install Supreme Copy today and enjoy the freedom to copy, right-click, and access context menus on any website!

You can test the app on this page: https://content-protection.myshopify.com/

Happy browsing!

Helps with disabled copy, right-click, and context menus

Per-domain configuration for fine-tuned control

May break some legitimate websites if enabled by default

39 reviews
10 Reviews For This Extension
Arthur P

Other extensions don't work. This is the best copy allower extension on the web store. Definitely recommend over the other ones.

Serge Khadka

Stylish and streamlined Chrome browsing.

Delta Tillett

Streamlined Chrome, efficient browsing.

Soledad Betzel

Organized and ad-free – this extension is Chrome's sleek makeover.

Dileep Hardin

Uncluttered, sleek, and secure – transforms Chrome into perfection.

Aamir UL Islam

super extension

Francesco de Nittis

Best Extension, I Copy the text not available in the site! 5 Starts is a Freak!

zain shahid

working efficiently

Knines Black

Ad-blocking perfection and streamlined Chrome. A fantastic upgrade.

Prasad Decker

Privacy, productivity, and style meet in this extension, enhancing my browsing experience. Fantastic!

Users count

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